Now that the website is up and running, how do I let people know that there are new resources?  This website will, God willing, continue to grow and share more ideas.  If you're interested in getting updates and new ideas for your own personal Bible study, or for teaching the Bible to your kids, subscribe!  Why not try it, you can always unsubscribe =}  e-mails will go out randomly, but check for updates about once a week. 

People have asked me why I'm putting this website together.  My response is, "Because I saw the need of people who wanted to know how to study the Bible, and God called me to fill that need."  Almost everything on this website is someone else's idea, not my own.  I don't make money off of advertising, and my name and picture are not included.  It's not about me.  It's about teaching others how to have a real relationship with God.  I hope that's what you find here.  It also means I couldn't have put it together without the many ideas of others.  If you have an idea you'd like shared on this website, let me know!  If I think it's a good fit, I'll gladly add it!
The Bible in general has many applications to our lives.  But if you sit down and read a paragraph or two, the passage can sometimes feel irrelevant in day-to-day living.  There are many different ways to find applications when studying the Bible, but this weekend at church, our pastor shared two questions that reminded me of the basics we should be watching for as we study His WordHe said, ask yourself how the section of the Bible you're reading answers these two questions:
                                            WHO IS GOD?
                                HOW DO I FOLLOW HIM?
Even kids can answer these two questionsTry praying and looking for these two things today or tomorrow as you read, and share what you learn with others!

One of the key things I've learned about Bible study is that I like variety.  Sometimes I want to write an outline and do a word study from the original Greek, but other days I'd rather not.  Having an assortment of Bible study options makes understanding the Bible more fun.  People learn in different ways too.  I've found that I'm very visual.  Pictures, timelines and maps are very helpful in seeing the big picture.  Sometimes I'll go an entire year basically studying in the same way, other times I only go for a couple of weeks or months before changing how I study.  The key is being consistent in studying, not how you study. 
Tonight, for example, I had a long day at work and wondered if I'd be able to sit down and be really productive during my Bible study time.  Instead of pulling out my study on James, I printed off the James page from the Picture Smart Bible.  I studied the same book, but looked at it in picture form.  It was a nice break from the day to color, and look at an overview of James' letter.
One of my goals for this website is to encourage people to explore different forms of Bible studyHopefully you can find a format that works best for you!


    I'm a teacher who has found that many people need a few tips or pointers to get started on their personal Bible Study Journey.


    July 2013
    June 2013
    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013




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